Monaco/Beausoleil FAQs

Beausoleil/Monaco FAQs

How much will my treatment cost and how long is the appointment?

Prices valid from 1st November 2023

Clinic in Beausoleil Hands on Maximum total appointment time Price
Foot Reflexology 60 mins 90 minutes 100€
Massage 60 mins 90 minutes 100€
Sound therapy with tuning forks 60 mins 90 minutes 100€
Healing Energy 60 mins 90 minutes 100€
Reflexology/massage/forks 90 mins 130 minutes 150€
Massage/reflexology/forks 120 mins 160 minutes 200€
Skype/Zoom 60 mins 60 minutes 70€


What is the clinic address and which days do you work there?

  • The English Osteo, 11bis avenue General de Gaulle, 06240 Beausoleil
  • Thursdays 9am to 2pm

Monaco / Beausoleil