Introduction to Healing Energy Workshop – 90 minutes

The Healing Trust

 Foundation Healing Energy Course –

with Personal & Spiritual Development

Parts 1 & 2 – ideal for family and friends

Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 – Professional Healer  


If you’ve landed on this page, then I suspect that you’re interested in learning more about energy healing.

Ready to learn more about the world of energy and healing?

Are you looking to widen your horizons?

Feeling ready to being your journey of self-discovery along with personal and spiritual development?

Are you open minded and ready to have your senses opened?

Then this course is perhaps what you’ve been searching and waiting for!

There are 4 parts for this training.

Parts 1 and 2 – ideal if you’re looking to help family & friends

Parts 1-4  – for those wishing to use it professionally


What I love about this Energy Healing Training course created by The Healing Trust is that it includes skills that can be used in our daily lives such as meditation, stress reducing techniques and listening.   I feel that all of the subjects covered go to making one a more rounded healer.  From having looked at other training programmes some of the subjects are not touched upon at all even though they are, I believe, fundamental to a healer working with the public. 

There are modules that may whet your appetite to go off and learn more about that subject.  That’s what happened to me after learning about sound and vibration! I ended up training in Vibrational Sound Therapy using Tuning Forks.  Since completing the module on ‘colour’, I’m now much more aware of not only the colours that I wear and how I feel wearing them, but also of the colours around me.

Wherever possible this is an experiential hands on training course with a mixture of practical exercises, discussion along with the sharing experiences and knowledge as this is all part of the learning process. We all have much to share and learn from each other, so let’s make the most of our time together.

There will be some modules such as ‘basic anatomy and physiology’ that will be more of the book learning sort of lesson, though made more interesting by looking at the psyco-spiritual aspects too.  You may find your views being challenged or not, with the module on ‘karma and reincarnation’ or other subjects.

Allow me to introduce you to healing and the Healing energy Foundation Course that I run as a licensed tutor of The Healing Trust.

Healing Energy

Foundation Course

With personal and

spiritual development

in Four parts

Introduction to Healing

Free 90 minute workshop

Not sure if this course is for you?

By signing up for this free Introduction to Energy Healing workshop you’ll get to meet Louise a Licensed Tutor for The Healing Trust and get a taster of the four part Energy Healing Training Course

You’ll have the opportunity to

  • practice grouding exercises
  • do some sensing of energy
  • participate in a guided meditation
  • ask questions about the course
  • find out more information about The Healing Trust
  • get a ‘feel’ about your tutor

There’s no point following a course if you don’t gel with the tutor, I won’t be offended if that’s the case!   Please know that there are other tutors teaching this course.


Intro to healing


Dates for 2024

5 June, 13 June

23 July, 29 July

10 August

The full training is taught over a 2 year period.  You’ll be accompanied by your Healing Trust Licensed Tutor throughout your journey.  

The  Healing Trust Training Course is made up of:

100 supervised hours:

  • 60 hours minimum of in person teaching – taught in parts  Parts 1 and 2 are each  over 2 days  and Parts 3 and 4 – 3 days each
  • 40 hours observed healing practise

100 unsupervised, logged hours

  • assignments may well include meditation, journaling, self reflection, reading, research for a short presentation, writing a guided meditation along with other personal and spiritual self-development exercises
Having completed all the above,  you’ll then be able to take the final step to becoming a Healer with The Healing Trust by going to Panel.

Costs – based on training being in my clinic at 2 avenue Lemeray, Antibes 06600, France

Part 1 – 290€* per person which includes: 2 days (12 hours) of in person training and student support meetings support via zoom 

Part 2 – 320€ person which includes: 2 days (12 hours) of in person training, digital notes, digital certificate & supervised energy healing practice via zoom 

Part 3 – 390€ person which includes: 3 days (18 hours) of in person training, digital notes, digital certificate & supervised energy healing practice via zoom

 Part 4 – 390€ person which includes: 3 days (18 hours) of in person training, digital notes, digital certificate & supervised energy healing practice via zoom

*Please note that there will be an additional cost payable to The Healing Trust for membership along with the cost of digital notes & digital certificate.

Total cost of the training with the tutor is 1390€ for the 4 parts. A total of 40 hours of supervised energy healing practice are included in this price.

Additional costs will be for membership and the panel once your training is complete.