What’s your body telling you that it needs?
I realised with all this quiet time that I was able to ‘hear’ my nervous system and it was telling me that it was frazzled. This was due not so much from the stress of not being able to work, but more to do with accumulation over the years.
So, rather than pushing myself to get all of my projects done during this period of confinement, on the 5th April I decided to take 10 days off work. This may seem strange to you as, as you know I’m not able to see clients at the moment! Having taken time to focus on unwinding, I’m delighted to say that I’m feeling very chilled. How did I spend my time you ask?! Yoga, meditation, writing, reading (nothing intellectual), afternoon telly, communing with the sun etc. No real plans, just going with the flow.
What are you doing to help your body repair itself during this time of confinement?